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Profesora Francisca Zavala

Teacher Francisca Zavala Died in Valencia. 

She taught for many years in our school leaving great memories to all of us, who have been and are still there.

Today she is not here anymore physically, but we are sure that she continues and will keep being with us with all her teachings.

JRP BULLETIN BOARD  honors this great woman. 


IV Festival del Centro de Ciencias 

See Photos

This event was held between  June 13 and June 14. It was the fourth Festival del Centro de Ciencias ¨José Antonio Zambrano¨ in which 1ro de Cs and 2do de Cs students presented their research projects.

This festival was organized by the Centro de Ciencias Coordinator Yuleima Fajardo and the teacher Doris Campos. All the research projects presented were evaluated by a jury which included the teachers Luis Gómez Chirinos, Luis Gómez, Saida Urquía, Nancy Mustiola, Irene de Adrián and Héctor Mendoza as well as representatives of FUDENA, PROFAUNA and Dr. Rinna Roa.

According to the jury, the best research projects were: Grado de Conocimiento sobre la Leptopirosis en el Tocuyo de la Costa, edo. Falcón by Lugo Yohanna, Macho Marcia, Martín Yaremis, Más y Rubí Marcos and José Navas (2do Cs. "A"); Consecuencias por Proliferación del Insecto Aedes Aegypti en Boca de Tocuyo, Municipio Acosta by (Fernández María, Grimán José, López Dyetza, Noguera Ana and Noguera Orlando (2do Cs ¨B¨); and Hipertensión Arterial en Mujeres entre 30 y 65 años en el Tocuyo de la Costa, Edo. Falcón by Castro Luis, Kanahan Janda, Navas Marcos, Osto Jairo, Quevedo Nigda and Quevedo Ritmar (2do Cs  ¨C¨).

Other research projects were: Influencia de los Factores Antrópicos  en la Población de Flamencos  (phoenicopterus ruber) en el Municipio Iturriza, Edo. Falcón and Importancia del Coco en la Economía de los Habitantes del Municipio Monseñor Iturriza del Estado Falcón.

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Carnaval 2005

Día del Libro y del Idioma

February Floods

JRP Students Paticipated in Encuentro de Estudiantes de Instrucción Premilitar.

This event was held in Jacura, Edo. Falcón and it included schools from Chichiriviche, Yaracal, Tucacas, Mirimire and Tocuyo de la Costa.

JRP School reached the forth place in the competition among those schools.

Students Cooperate with Institution.

Students belonging to the different grades and sections cooperated with our school through an "Operación Limpieza".

A lot of desks and tables were repainted and paired. However, it is important to remember to mantain and our school everyday.

Congratulations to all the students who helped in this activity!!!


Student Alexis Vina

8vi Grado Students
8th Grade Students

Consulta tus resultados del Proceso Nacional de Admisión 2004. Sólo necesitas tu número de cédula o número de registro.



Website designed by Héctor José Mendoza Ortiz